25 (Click on the icon to view details)


EUW Fresh Level 30 [Hand leveled]| 70K+BE |700 RP| İnstant Delivery Untouched huge loot

EUW Fresh Level 30 [Hand leveled]| 70K+BE |700 RP| İnstant Delivery Untouched huge loot
EU West
EUW Fresh Level 30 [Hand leveled]| 70K+BE |700 RP| İnstant Delivery Untouched huge loot - image
EUW Fresh Level 30 [Hand leveled]| 70K+BE |700 RP| İnstant Delivery Untouched huge loot - image
EUW Fresh Level 30 [Hand leveled]| 70K+BE |700 RP| İnstant Delivery Untouched huge loot - image
EUW Fresh Level 30 [Hand leveled]| 70K+BE |700 RP| İnstant Delivery Untouched huge loot - image
1 1
  • 10 mins.
  • 16:35:15
Actual price
for 1 item
Items Discount rate Price / 1 item
1 0% 18.00
Total price
for 1 item
Discount rate: 0%
25 (Click on the icon to view details)

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・ 100% handmade played normal and aram - No Ranked games played ・The account has 0 ranked games played. This is perfect, since you can use it as a new Smurf and avoid the boring leveling process. fully Recovery Information ・Full access to the electronic mailbox provided during registration ・Date of birth provided during registration ・Account creation date ・Account creation country Unopened Loot The account will have the whole loot collected during leveling. That means: ・Unopened capsules ・Unopened chests ・Untouched Orange Essence

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